Home» News» Seminars» Nov. 30 Talk by Dr. Chris Scambler: Axiomatic Potentialism (Online)

Nov. 30 Talk by Dr. Chris Scambler: Axiomatic Potentialism (Online)

发布日期:2021-11-28 作者:

Title: Axiomatic Potentialism

Speaker: Dr. Chris Scambler (NYU and Oxford)

Time:  16:00~18:00 (Nov. 30th)

Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88503970642?pwd=R1ozS0FLd3ZtSlE4TmRyRFFqdkVmZz09

Meeting ID: 885 0397 0642  Password: 151070

Abstract: I'll present some axiomatic systems for set-theoretic potentialism in modal logic, and some new results on their consistency strength. In particular I'll show how a natural system combining height and width potentialism is (close to) bi-interpretable with with second order arithmetic + Pi_1^1 perfect set property, and (hence) equiconsistent with ZFC.