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  1. 逻辑(数理逻辑,哲学逻辑);

  2. 逻辑应用(逻辑与语言学,逻辑与认知科学,逻辑与计算机科学,逻辑与社会科学);

  3. 逻辑与哲学(逻辑哲学,数学哲学,分析哲学);

  4. 逻辑与素质教育。


  • - 模态逻辑,特别是量化模态逻辑(一阶及二阶,及其片段)、多元模态逻辑、非正规模态逻辑,以及它们在哲学、理论计算机科学和人工智能中的应用。

  • - 非经典逻辑,特别是量子逻辑(广义上的)、直觉主义逻辑和中间逻辑。

  • - 集合论和数学基础/哲学,特别是无素集合论。

  • - 社会科学中的逻辑,特别是投票机制。

中心成员:刘壮虎 (荣休),周北海 (荣休)邢滔滔叶闯 (荣休)李麒麟王彦晶钟盛阳丁一峰, 姚博凯

主任:王彦晶  秘书:钟盛阳

The Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition (CLLC) at Peking University is a research institution affiliated with the Department of Philosophy at Peking University. It was established on June 7, 2004.

CLLC aims to conduct theoretical and applied research in logic, promote domestic cooperation, engage in international exchanges, and advance the development of logic research and teaching. The Center is dedicated to uniting various academic forces, integrating multiple resources, and building a cross-disciplinary scientific research community based on logic while considering related disciplines. The Center emphasizes both basic theoretical research and applied research and will also carry out various activities in talent cultivation, providing a broad academic research base for scholars and graduate students in related fields.

The current strengths of the research of CLLC include:

  • - Modal Logic, in particular, quantified modal logic (and its fragments), polyadic modal logic, non-normal modal logic and their applications in philosophy, TCS, and AI. 

  • - Non-classical Logic, in particular, Quantum Logic (broadly considered), Intuitionistic, and intermediate logics.

  • - Set theory and foundation/philosophy of math, in particular, set theory with urelements 

  • - Logic for social sciences, in particular, voting mechanisms 

In June 2012, the Center jointly established the "Peking University Interdisciplinary Forum on Language, Logic, Cognition and Computation" (LLCC Forum) with multiple units within the university dedicated to conducting interdisciplinary exchange activities in philosophy, logic, language, psychology, and neuroscience, and computer science.

The Center has four general research directions:

  1. - Logic (Philosophical Logic & Mathematical Logic);

  2. - Applications of Logic (Logic and Linguistics, Logic and Cognitive Science, Logic and Computer Science, Logic and Social Sciences);

  3. - Logic and Philosophy (Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Analytic Philosophy);

  4. - Logic and Education.

Center members: Liu Zhuanghu (emeritus), Zhou Beihai (emeritus), Taotao Xing, Chuan Ye (emeritus), Qilin Li, Yanjing Wang, Shengyang Zhong, Yifeng Ding, Bokai Yao

Director: Yanjing Wang    Secretary: Shengyang Zhong