Home» News» Seminars» Mar. 22 Talk by Bo Hong: Baltag and van Benthem: A Simple Logic of Functional Dependence

Mar. 22 Talk by Bo Hong: Baltag and van Benthem: A Simple Logic of Functional Dependence

发布日期:2022-03-21 作者:

Title Baltag and van Benthem: A Simple Logic of Functional Dependence

Speaker: Bo Hong (PKU)

Time: 15:10 ~ 18:00  (Mar. 22)

AbstractIn this paper, Baltag and van Benthem introduce a simple (as shown in the title), handy yet useful logic based on classical logic: a Logic of Functional Dependence between variables (LFD). Although the simplicity of LFD, it is well-behaved with transparent axiomatizations and good meta-properties including decidability, compactness and strong interpolation. With the dependence modality and dependence atom, LFD could be interpreted in both first-order and modal ways, which also leads to some interesting phenomenon.


Backround readings:  

BALTAG A, VAN BENTHEM J,A Simple Logic of Functional Dependence[J]. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2021.

BALTAG A,To Know is to Know the Value of a Variable[J]. Adv. in Modal Logic, 2016: 135–155.

DING Y,Epistemic Logic with Functional Dependency Operator[J]. Studies in Logic, 2016, 9(4): 55–84.

Dependence Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)