Title: Topological Semantics and Evidential-based Epistemic Logic
Speaker: Yunsong Wang (ILLC)
Time: 15:10 ~ 18:00 (Mar. 29)
Abstract: This talk is about Topological Semantics for Modal Logic and some Epistemic Logics based on Topo-Semantics. It will mainly contain two parts: Part One is more technical, in which I will introduce some topological preliminaries and the Topo-Semantics for Modal Logic. Part Two is more conceptual, I will show three kinds of Topo-Semantics for Epistemic Logic, the focus will be on the intuition of the knowledge defined by them and how topology is used in these semantics. If time permitted, I will present some important technical open problems for Part One and discuss some possible future works for Part Two. The technical part of this talk is mainly based on some courses by Alexandru Baltag, Nick Bezhanishvili and Aybüke Özgün in ILLC.