CFP: Fourth Formal Epistemology Festival 2012
Call for Papers
Fourth Formal Epistemology Festival
Konstanz, June 4-6, 2012
Organized by Rachael Briggs (Sydney), Kenny Easwaran (USC), Franz Huber (Konstanz), Jonathan Weisberg (Toronto).
Speakers include Jeff Barrett (UCI/Konstanz), Joe Halpern (Cornell/Konstanz), and the organizers.
Despite its name, the Fourth Formal Epistemology Festival will not be exclusively formal or epistemological. These mismatches between sign and signified will be compensated for on the third front, festiveness.
Please submit full papers prepared for blind-review to: by November 30, 2011. Notification of acceptance: December 31, 2011.
Speakers have a total of 90mins to present their papers (including Q&A) and will be reimbursed for travel and lodging expenses.