Home» News» Others» 10月13日-26日Martin Stokhof系列讲座:Radical Interpretation, Hermeneutics, and Practice Theory

10月13日-26日Martin Stokhof系列讲座:Radical Interpretation, Hermeneutics, and Practice Theory

发布日期:2015-09-22 作者:



系列讲座题目: Radical Interpretation, Hermeneutics, and Practice Theory (彻底解释,解释学,和实践理论)



报告人:Martin Stokhof  (阿姆斯特丹大学教授、清华大学伟伦特聘教授)


系列报告简介:这个系列报告一共分为五讲,它们有一个共同主题,即彻底解释。彻底解释的问题很简单,但却意义深 刻:我们如何能够理解一种完全不同于我们自己语言系统的言语?有些反思揭示出这样的问题同样发生在我们自己所属的语言系统之中:什么能保证我们能理解发音 相似的言语的意义?对这些问题的反思将会把我们引向对言语意义和非语言语境之间关系的讨论。解释总是且必然地与说话者、听者、著者和读者相关。对解释的讨 论也将会引入现代西方哲学中的分析传统和大陆传统的不同视角。






第一讲, 1013日(周二)晚720945

Topic: Davidson: radical interpretation and the principle of charity

Material: Davidson (1973, 1986a)


第二讲, 1015日(周四) 720945

Topic: Davidson: conceptual schemes and prior and passing theories

Material: Davidson (1974, 1986b)


第三讲, 1020日(周二)晚720945Topic: Heidegger & Gadamer: the hermeneutical circle and the historicity of interpretation

Material: Heidegger (1962, chapter V, xx 31{34), Gadamer (1989, Part 2: II.1 & II.3.C).


第四讲, 1012日(周四) 720945

Topic: Wittgenstein: rules, normativity and practices

Material: Wittgenstein (1953, xx 138{55, 179{243), Wittgenstein (1967, frage-ments)


第五讲, 1026 (周一)晚720945

Topic: Practice theory: subject, practice and interpretation

Material: Schatzki (1996, chapters 2, 3, 4).




1. Davidson, Donald. 1973. Radical interpretation. Dialectica, 27, 313-28. Reprinted in Davidson (2001a).

———. 1974. On the very idea of a conceptual scheme. Proceedings and Adresses of The American Philosophical Association, 47. Reprinted in Davidson (2001a).

———. 1986a. A coherence theory of truth and knowledge. In: Lepore, Ernie, ed., Truth and Interpretation. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, pp. 307-319. Blackwell, Oxford. Reprinted in Davidson (2001b).

———. 1986b. A nice derangement of epitaphs. In: Lepore, Ernie, ed., Truth and Interpretation. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, pp. 433-346. Blackwell, Oxford. Reprinted in Davidson (2005).

———. 2001a. Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2nd edn.

———. 2001b. Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective. Clarendon, Oxford.

———. 2005. Truth, Language and History. Clarendon Press, Oxford.


2. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. 1989. Truth and Method. Crossroad, New York.


3. Heidegger, Martin. 1962. Being and Time. Blackwell, Oxford.


4. Schatzki, Theodore R. 1996. Social Practices. A Wittgensteinian Approach to Human Activity and the Social. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


5. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1953. Philosophical Investigations. Blackwell, Oxford.

———. 1967. Zettel. Blackwell, Oxford.


发布时间:2015-09-22 11:45:23