题 目:逻辑在哲学和语义学中的作用
报告者:Martin Stokhof教授
时 间:2015年11月6日(周五)10点—12点
地 点:中国社会科学院哲学所940会议室(建国门内大街5号,建国门地铁站A出口)
摘 要:Prof. Martin Stokhof argues that in order to get a proper view on the pros and cons of the application of logical methods insemantics and philosophy it is important to distinguish between suing logic as a tool, and using logic as a model. Prof. Martin Stokhof will illustrate the importance of the distinction with two applications. One comes from formal semantics and is concerned with dynamic meaning. The other comes from philosophy and is concerned with non-discursive content.