Home» News» Others» 11月10日孙鑫报告:道义逻辑的历史、现状和未来


发布日期:2015-11-09 作者:


题  目:道义逻辑的历史、现状和未来

主  讲:孙鑫(卢森堡大学)

时  间:11月10日16:00-17:30

地  点:清华大学新斋335

摘  要:In this talk we start with traditional deontic logic: standard deontic logic and dyadic standard deontic logic. We discuss their syntax, semantics and some surrounding paradoxes. Then we move to modern deontic logic, mainly input/output logic, including its operational semantics and computational complexity. We will discuss some applications of deontic logic if time permits.

发布时间:2015-11-09 20:44:28