January 8–10, 2017
IIT Kanpur, India
Methods for Modalities Workshop Series will have its ninth edition of Methods for Modalities Workshop (M4M-9) jointly organised by ALI, the Association for Logic in India, to be held at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, from
January 8 to 10, 2017. M4M-9 will be co-located with the Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) to be held during January 5-7, 2017.
The workshop "Methods for Modalities" (M4M) aims to bring together researchers interested in developing proof methods, verification methods, algorithms and tools based on modal logic. Here the term "modal logics" is conceived broadly, including description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic, temporal and hybrid logic, dynamic logic, etc.
M4M resumes after a short break, but will continue to be an important avenue for discussions of research in modal logics, especially on proof methods and decision procedures, and linkages of modal formalisms to computer science. Please visit:
https://cs.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~careces/M4M/ for details of M4M workshops in the past. In M4M-9 we hope to have a substantial part of the meeting devoted to tutorial
lectures to increase the instructional content of the event.
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in proof methods, verification methods, algorithms and tools based on modal logics. We strongly encourage young researchers and students to submit papers, especially for experimental and prototypical software tools which are related to modal logics.
Submissions must be in English and should provide sufficient detail to
allow the programme committee to assess the merits of the paper. The
submission may not exceed 15 pages in the LIPIcs style
All submissions will be in electronic form and submitted via the easychair
conference management system. Simultaneous submission to journals or to other
conferences with proceedings is not allowed. Submitted papers will be
peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings, which will be made available at the time of the conference.
We hope to have electronic proceedings for M4M-9 in the LIPIcs
Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 2 September 2016
Deadline for Paper Submission: 9 September 2016
Notification to Authors: 25 October 2016
Deadline for camera-ready papers: 5 November 2016
Important Links
Any queries related to the conference may be sent to the following email