Home» News» Others» 5月11日北京市逻辑学会青年论坛第三十次活动


发布日期:2013-05-05 作者:





地点: 清华大学新斋346会议室 

主办: 北京市逻辑学会青年论坛; 清华大学哲学系


报告人: 王轶(挪威卑尔根大学博士生)

题目:  preference logic of focus change

摘要:  In recent work Xiong and Seligman introduced a logic for reasoning about preferences and decision making in a setting where the agent focuses on a subset of all alternatives (such as possible seminars to attend), and where new alternatives can come into focus as the result of questions of the type ``have you heard of the Beijing logic forum for young scholars'' being asked. A logical is proposed, axiomatized and the axiomatization proved complete, but there is a gap we find between the motivating example and the formal semantics. We present a modification of Xiong and Seligman's logic, basically consisting of representing the alternatives under consideration semantically rather than syntactically. We argue that this semantics captures the intended meaning better. We also present a sound and complete axiomatization of the resulting logic.

发布时间:2013-05-05 16:44:15