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发布日期:2013-04-15 作者:


报告题目: Exploring compositional structure in strategies

报告人:Ram Ramanujam 教授

时间:2013年4月20日上午 9:00-11:30


If we know that strategy $x$ "works" in game $g$ and strategy $x'$ in game

$g'$, then how do we build a strategy in game $g op g'$ based on $x$ and

$y$ ? When the operator $op$ is simple subgame composition (so that we now

have a game with a choice of exploring both subgames), this question has

an elegant answer for finite two-player zero-sum games of perfect

information. We discuss classical results of this kind to suggest that

exploring algebraic structure (games quotiented under suitable

equivalences) is worthwhile, and point out that familiar and reasonable

operators already pose interesting challenges, as soon as we relax any of

the conditions listed above (finite, two-player, zero-sum, perfect



报告人简介: R. Ramanujam is a researcher in theoretical computer science

from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, where he is

currently professor. His research interests are in mathematical and

philosophical logic with applications to theory of distributed systems,

security theory and game theory, and the connections between logic and

automata theory. He is an editor of ACM transactions on computational

logic and was a Lorentz Fellow in the Netherlands in 2010.


He is involved in science and mathematics popularization and education,

especially in rural areas in India and is editor of Thulir, a monthly

children's science magazine.

发布时间:2013-04-15 21:07:59