Home» News» News» 5月31日Chao, Gao & Liu: Searching for New Axioms

5月31日Chao, Gao & Liu: Searching for New Axioms

发布日期:2016-05-31 作者:

This is a symposium on set theory which is named "Seatching for New Axioms" and divided into three parts:

I Ke Gao: Does Set Theory Need New Axioms?

Most of mathematics can be developed in the frame of ZFC. On the other hand, ZFC as the foundation of mathematics face to more and more challenges. Here we will introdue some of them, and some new axioms of set theory respectively.

II Jixin Liu: The Axiom of Determinacy

The investigation of the determinacy of games is important in the development of modern set theory, and the correlations eventually established with large cardinals. Here we first introduce infinite games on reals and the Axiom of Determinacy(AD). Then we will see the power of AD on regularity properties of reals and its related combinatorics. At last we consider the consistency of AD.

III Conden Chao: The Axiom of Determinacy and Large Cardinals

In this talk, we mainly focus on relations between the axiom of determinacy(AD) and large cardinals.

发布时间:2016-05-31 19:00:11