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王彦晶、范杰文章被Advances in Modal Logic(AiML) 2014接收

发布日期:2014-06-18 作者:

我中心教师王彦晶及学生范杰参与的如下三篇文章被国际顶级模态逻辑会议Advances in Modal Logic(AiML2014)接收并收录于论文集:

Yanjing Wang and Jie Fan. Conditionally knowing what

Jie Fan, Yanjing Wang and Hans van Ditmarsch. Almost Necessary

Hans van Ditmarsch, Jie Fan, Wiebe Van Der Hoek and Petar Iliev. Some Exponential Lower Bounds on Formula-size in Modal Logic

另外我中心校友李延军及赵之光同学亦有两篇文章被接收为short presentation:

Yanjun Li. Privacy in arrow update logic

Alessandra Palmigiano, Sumit Sourabh and Zhiguang Zhao. Algebraic canonicity for regular modal logics


发布时间:2014-06-18 16:03:09