报告者: Rohit Parikh (Brooklyn College of CUNY and CUNY Graduate Center)
题目:Belief Revision, Language Splitting and Information
报告摘要:The theory of Belief Revision has been formulated by AGM (Alchourron, Gardenfors and Makinson) in the 80's and has now become an important area of study. We describe our own and others' results (Kourousias and Makinson) in the relevance of language splitting. Issues that come in are Craig's Interpolation Theorem, Beth Definability Theorem, and the amount of information transferred from one theory to another.
报告者简介:Ronit Parikh先生现在是纽约城市大学布鲁克林学院计算机与信息科学系的特聘教授,1962年于哈佛大学获得数学博士学位。1979年开始由美国国家科学基金会提供研究经费至今,此外IBM和纽约城市大学也提供了资助。
Ronit Parikh教授的研究方向包括:形式语言、递归论、证明论、非标准分析、程序逻辑、认知逻辑、语言哲学、信念修正、社会软件与博弈论。最近主要关注的是社会软件,这是一种使用计算机科学、博弈论和逻辑学的手段来对社会活动过程的分析,例如大至选举小至分蛋糕。
Ronit Parikh教授的个人网页是:
(附件说明:hotmail125523280158.zip是论文以及讲演文稿的初稿,revised files for beijing talk.zip则是讲演文稿的修改版)
发布时间:2009-10-11 11:43:36