演讲人: Professor Edmund M. Clarke
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
题目:Frontiers in Formal Methods(形式化方法前沿问题)
摘要:"Formal Methods" is the study of mathematical and logical techniques for the specification, development, and verification of computer systems. My research group has developed a formal method called "temporal logic model checking". In this approach specifications are expressed in a propositional temporal logic, while circuits and protocols are modeled as state-transition systems. An efficient search procedure is used to determine automatically if a specification is satisfied by a transition system. The technique has been used in the past to find subtle errors in various systems, and widely applied in the hardware and software industry. In this talk, I will focus on explaining the importance of efficient decision procedures for various logics (SAT/SMT solvers) in model checking tools, and introduce current directions in extending model checking to handle more complex models such as cyber-physical systems.
演讲人简介:Edmund M. Clarke is a computer scientist noted for developing model checking, a method for formally verifying hardware and software systems. He is the FORE Systems University Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, and a winner of the 2007 Association for Computing Machinery A.M. Turing Award.
发布时间:2011-10-19 21:53:13