题目:Interfacing Logic and Probabilistic Update
主讲人:Johan van Benthem (范丙申)
摘要:Probabilistic reasoning revolves around information update treated in a quantitative manner. But often, this quantitative information seems much more detailed than what is required, or even warranted, by the problem at hand. I will start with a review of some existing work on interfacing probability with dynamic-epistemic logic, and some discussions between logicians and probability-oriented theorists that have come out of this. Next, I will discuss some puzzles in probabilistic reasoning, including some recent empirical findings, that lead to a bunch of further questions, including: (a) What are good options for modeling qualitative probability? (b) Can we make existing update rules for plausibility orders do all that is needed for matching the power of probability?
This talk fits in a trend of finding a modus vivendi between probabilistic and logical methods in several disciplines.