Home» News» Events» Sep. 2nd Talks by Thomas Studer and Jieting Luo

Sep. 2nd Talks by Thomas Studer and Jieting Luo

发布日期:2024-09-02 作者:

Time: 2024/09/02 (Monday) 9:30-12:30

Location: Room 106, Lee Shau Kee Humanities Buildings No.2 (李兆基人文学苑2号楼), Peking University

There are two talks in this section.


Speaker 1:Thomas Studer (University of Bern)

Title:Simplicial Models for Epistemic Logic


Distributed knowledge of a group is often modeled as the knowledge that the group would have if the agents shared all their individual knowledge. However, this interpretation does not account for relations between agents. In this talk, we propose the notion of synergistic knowledge, which makes it possible to model different relationships between agents, e.g., groups of agents having access to shared objects. As an example, we discuss the problem of dining cryptographers. We will also introduce simplicial models for epistemic logic, as the semantics for synergistic knowledge is based on semi-simplicial sets.


Speaker 2:Jieting Luo (Zhejiang University)

Title:Providing Personalized Explanations: a Conversational Approach


The increasing applications of AI systems require personalized explanations for their behaviors to various stakeholders since the stakeholders may have various backgrounds. In general, a conversation between explainers and explainees not only allows explainers to obtain the explainees' background, but also allows explainees to better understand the explanations. In this paper, we propose an approach for an explainer to communicate personalized explanations to an explainee through having consecutive conversations with the explainee. We prove that the conversation terminates due to the explainee's justification of the initial claim as long as there exists an explanation for the initial claim that the explainee understands and the explainer is aware of.