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Mar. 4th Talk by Haosui Duanmu

发布日期:2025-03-04 作者:

Title:An Infinite Lone Wolf Theorem

Speaker:Haosui Duanmu (Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics of HIT)

Time: 2025/3/4 (Tuesday) 15:10-18:00

Location: Room 215, Natural Sciences Teaching Building (理教), Peking University


Since Gale and Shapley, economists have studied stable outcomes in two-sided matching markets and the deferred acceptance (Gale–Shapley) algorithm, which finds a stable outcome. The Lone Wolf Theorem illustrates a desirable property of the set of stable outcomes, namely that the set of unmatched agents does not depend on the choice of stable outcome. Classical matching theory has assumed that the set of agents is finite. In this talk, we generalize the Lone wolf Theorem to the infinite setting.