Home» News» Seminars» Oct.12 Talk by Xingchi Su: Dynamics in Conditional Obligation (Online)

Oct.12 Talk by Xingchi Su: Dynamics in Conditional Obligation (Online)

发布日期:2021-10-05 作者:

Title: Dynamics in Conditional Obligation 

Speaker: Xingchi Su (University of Groningen)

Time:  15:10 ~ 18:00  (Oct.12th

Tencent Meeting link:  https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/IlnH8CFzjbR0  

Tencent Meeting ID: 805180260  Password: 6666


Abstract: Agents' obligations can be changed due to various factors. An obligation addresser can make effect on an addressee’s obligations by prescribing new norms. Meanwhile, an addressee' s obligations can also be affected by his/her own knowledge. This presentation will focus on these two factors which would influence agents' obligations and conceptualize the obligation changes by two different dynamics. Accordingly, two logics of conditional obligations are provided for formalizing knowledge-driven changes and norm-driven changes respectively. In the light of the notion of knowledge-based conditional obligation, some deontic notions discussed in philosophy can be characterized properly. Moreover, the distinguish between prescription and description in the deontic logic can be captured by a new relativized conditional obligations, which provides a novel interpretation on the well-known Jorgensen’s dilemma.


Attachment:     Several Important Definition.pdf